Snapshot Saturday: Car Wreck

Try as I may, there are days when practicing the art of acceptance is difficult. Take today for example.

Hubs and I were registered to run in the Titans 5K run/walk. This would have been my first 5K this year as I was sidelined in February by an unexpected surgery.

We were stopped at a traffic light. When the light turned green hubs proceeded to make a left turn towards LP Field when out of nowhere, a driver ran the light and hit us. Thankfully, no one was hurt. One second later we would have been farther out in the road and rather than the front of our car taking the hit, hub’s side of the car would have been t-boned. I shudder to think about what might have been.

The frustrating part of all of this is the driver would not admit he ran the red light and he is uninsured. And this is the part where I am trying so very hard to practice acceptance. I’m leaning on God for this because I can’t do it myself.

I’m still amazed that we walked away from the accident, given the speed the other driver was going when he hit us. A police officer gave us a ride to a convenience store adjacent to the stadium. Hubs decided to go ahead and run the 5K. My nerves were jangled so I stood guard over the car’s contents which were now packed in a box and cooler I’d stowed.

What I’m about to tell you now falls in the you can’t make this up category. My brother-in-law was on his way to pick us up when he was hit by a driver. The plaintiff in his accident had been huffing while driving, and thankfully no one was hurt. My sister saved the day by picking us up.

Here are a few snapshots from the morning:


The damage.

The damage.

View from the back of the police car. It's been a LONG time since I've seen the view from one of these.

View from the back of the police car on our way to LP Field.  Thankfully no one vomited in here last night.

The cashier told me to load my belongings on top of a beer display so I wouldn't have to hold them.

The cashier told me to load my belongings on top of a beer display so I wouldn’t have to hold them.

My view of the stadium from the convenience store.

My view of the stadium from the convenience store.  

I watched from a distance as the runners ran by.

I watched from a distance as the runners ran by.

Hubs, brother-in-law and I are a little stiff and sore, but we are hanging in there. We know we have a near future of police reports, insurance adjusters, negotiations and unplanned car shopping. I’ll keep reminding myself to accept life on life’s terms.

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