The Moment of Dread Arrived

The hubs took my “before” photos for the fitness transformation challenge that starts today. I’d dreaded this since I agreed to join my friend Steve in this challenge. I’ve never been one to jump in front of cameras, but after losing 68 pounds I can tolerate being photographed. However, there’s a big difference in having a photo taken at a party and having a “before” photo shot for a fitness challenge.

We actually shot the photos yesterday afternoon. I’ve studied fitness challenge websites and I’ve noticed that in most cases, the winner looked absolutely awful in the before photo and fantastic in the after shot.

Here’s what I mean.

Before photo: greasy hair, no makeup, no smile, dowdy outfit

After photo: hair styled, makeup on, brilliant smile, spray-on tan, cute swimsuit AND jewelry.

So I decided to go for maximum awfulness in my before photos. We took them after I arrived home from spin class. My hair was sweaty-wet, I had no makeup on and my face was blotchy from exercising. And of course I was wearing a frumpy outfit.

You’re crazy if you think I’m going to post them here before I have  rockin’ “after” photos to post next to them. Yes, I’m a wimp. But the good news is there is nowhere to go but up.

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